Grounded Entrepreneurship: A Guided Journey with Kokoro

Grounded entrepreneurship

Nicola Brown, Founder & CEO of Kokoro, is driven to help entrepreneurs and small businesspeople stay in touch with their human side.

Rather than try to explain what that means, she takes both me and my listeners on a taste of what that journey might look like. At her suggestion, I turned the lead over to her and let her lead me through a typical beginning conversation that Kokoro might have with one of their clients.

Some of her questions really made me pause! Like her first one, asking me to describe how I’m feeling as weather.

I believe she asks these unusual questions to get people out of their everyday way of thinking and help them stay in touch with their humanism and passion.

Nicola and Kokoro are bravely trying to change how entrepreneurs think, and our interview is definitely a change of pace on the show. Take a listen and come along on the journey, and see what it reveals to you and about you!