Entrepreneurs: What Do You Really Want, And How Badly Do You Want It?

Erin Marcus, founder of Conquer Your Business, is not one to mince words. She’s a no-nonsense “tough love” coach for startups. But given that most entrepreneurs are pretty stubborn and laser-focused, that’s what most of us really need.

She joins The Savvy Entrepreneur to talk about why having absolute clarity about what you want from your business is the place to start.

She shares with The Savvy Entrepreneur how virtually every decision you make about your business should be driven by what you truly want. That includes everything from the legal form of your company, to whether and what type of funding you seek, to the employees and skillsets that you hire, to the processes you develop.

If you aren’t totally clear about what you want and don’t stay laser-focused on that, you will soon find your business runs you. And that often leads to burn out, discouragement, and even the end of your business.

Erin and I also chat about the other side of the equation: How badly do you want it? Starting a business is a daunting journey. Many entrepreneurs find that what they think they want comes at a price that is too steep.

So it’s equally important to focus on what you’re willing to sacrifice to get what you want. That includes the financial risks you’re willing to take, but also the challenges to important relationships in your life.

Erin stresses that there is no judgment in her work. It’s perfectly OK to be a solopreneur and stay that way, if that’s the balance that works for you.

And it’s also OK if you realize your goals change along the way. Lots of entrepreneurs start out thinking they want to grow big and scale and look for venture capital funding, only to find out that’s not the path that truly makes them happy.

Take a listen to our chat! We talk about a set of basic considerations that every entrepreneur and small businessperson should think about, and regularly revisit to make sure you stay on track to your goals. And, that you stay healthy and sane while doing it!

Business Tax Strategies To Save You Money!

Dawn Hryshko is truly passionate about saving her business clients money. She knows that most businesses pay more in taxes than they need to.

She founded her own firm, Hryshko & Associates, because she felt that was the best way to form the deep advisor relationships needed to truly help them with their taxes. Many CPA firms really are just glorified form fillers.

Dawn believes that to truly position the business to minimize taxes requires a thorough understanding of what the business does and what its owner(s) want to accomplish.

She shares for free in this information-packed interview many areas where businesses are losing money by paying too much in taxes. She also shares some common misunderstandings that lead businesses /owners to try to take deductions they can’t justify.

Trust me — this podcast is WELL worth your time to listen to. Find out where YOU and your business might be missing out!

The Story of Novii CPA

Victoria Thayer came from a working class family in Venezuela. Raised by a single mother and her aunt, both of whom were maids, Victoria got her big chance when she was offered a college scholarship in the U.S.

She had never been to the States before, and spoke little English. Classes were so difficult that she recorded them and listened to them again later, frequently stopping and starting the recording, trying to understand.

Her hard work paid off, and she landed a job with an accounting firm. Although successful, she knew eventually she wanted to start her own firm — one that would spend more time nuturing individual client relationships.

She started Novii CPA in 2023. Victoria shares her journey and some of the many challenges she’s faced.

Her story is an inspiring immigrant success story: if you are brave enough to come to a new country to learn a whole new language and culture, then anything is possible. And starting a business on your own really isn’t that daunting!