Fluid Running

fluid running

What do you do if, six weeks before the biggest and most important marathon race of your life, you tear your calf muscle?

Jennifer Conroyd’s 5 siblings were all coming to town to run the Chicago Marathon with her. They were raising money for Juvenile Diabetes, a disease her nephew had been diagnosed with at age 2. Jennifer had organized all of this, and so the race was a big deal for her.

Her doctor was adamant that she couldn’t run. A lot of people — maybe most of us — would simply chalk it up to bad luck and wait for our next opportunity.

But most of us aren’t Jennifer Conroyd. She researched deep water running, and decided to try it, even though there’s not much known about it in the U.S. She hired a coach and diligently did a deep water running program.

And guess what? She not only was able to run her full marathon — the first time she had run on land in 6 weeks — she even qualified for the Boston Marathon!

At that point, Jennifer knew she was onto something pretty special. She shares with The Savvy Entrepreneur the story of how she’s built and grown Fluid Running. Fluid Running is a novel fitness concept — although popular in Australia and Canada, it really is unknown in the U.S.

Jennifer has been through a number of iterations with her business models, and trying different ways to build awareness of the benefits of deep water running.

It’s a wonderful story, and well worth a listen, especially for any new business trying to create awareness for a great idea that people don’t yet know they need!