The Savvy Entrepreneur: Art of Pure

Monika Joshi, Founder of Art of Pure, shares with The Savvy Entrepreneur her quest to source and sell sustainable health and beauty products.

A former New York City investment banker, she grew tired of the long hours and time away from her young family.  When she and her family moved back to Chicago, Monika knew it was time to do something different,

When her daughter began struggling with eczema and other skin issues, the dermatologist suggested putting her on steroids.  Monika felt there must be other, more natural alternatives to try first.

That led her on a journey to find truly natural products but all types and health and beauty needs –something that sounds like it should be easy, but definitely is not!  And at that point, Art of Pure was born.

Click on the arrow to take a listen to Monika's story and some of the bumps and challenges she's faced along the way creating and growing Art of Pure.  Or you can read a transcript of the interview here.