The Savvy Entrepreneur: Lidia Varesco Design

Lidia Varesco Racoma, founder of Lidia Varesco Design, is passionate about helping non-profits and other mission-based organizations raise their brand profile through effective storytelling.

She shares with The Savvy Entrepreneur radio show the three biggest branding mistakes that most organizations make:  (1) they don't articulate their “why” effectively enough (2) they don't do enough market research to find out whether their message is truly resonating with their stakeholders and reaching those stakeholders with the right platform and the right content; and (3) they focus too much on the features and benefits of their product or service, and not enough on how they will add value to their customers.

She shares plenty of tips and suggestions that have worked for her clients over the years.  Spoiler alert:  one of those tips is to pick a message and create a campaign with regular, consistent pieces of your message, rather than just posting here and there as the spirit moves you.  Non-spoiler alert:  there's lots more of those kind of practical tips in our interview!

Click on the arrow to listen, or go here if you'd prefer to read a transcript of the show.  It's well worth your time to listen to or read!