Making the Right Hire

Making the right hire for a small business is absolutely critical. If you don’t hire the right person with the right skill sets and culture fit, it may sink your business.

Al & Sarah Katz from FirstSearch share with The Savvy Entrepreneur Radio Show practical tips to help ensure the right people join your company. His first pieces of advice are around whether you really need to hire at all, or whether there are other more cost-effective options. Spending your precious investor dollars too quickly can lead to unnecessary cash-flow crises.

Next, he and his daughter Sarah share some tips on how to make sure you create the right job description. All too often, Al says, business managers come up with a laundry list of skills, without truly soul-searching about what the organization needs now as well as going forward.

Al’s been at this for many years, and he shares his suggestions for making sure your job description is spot on, and then that they process for interviewing and hiring is designed to give your business the best chance at hiring a great fit.

His daughter Sarah helps source candidates, and she offer some great tips as well for people who may be job-searching themselves.

It’s a must-listen for any small businessperson looking to make a critical hire in the near future. Click on the arrow to get some great insights!

What You Need Before Hiring Your First Employee(s)

Andrea Herran, an experienced Human Resources consultant, shares tips on things for startups and small businesses to consider before hiring their first employees.

Some of the most common mistakes are:

  • Forgetting about or delaying some of the benefit and employee policy decisions,
  • Hiring a salesperson in the belief that they will justify their expense by bringing in lots more revenue,
  • Hiring someone who thinks too much like the founder(s), and
  • Failing to focus on employee development as the company grows.

Andrea’s company, Focus HR, provides not only question- and project-specific H.R. assistance, but is also the outsourced H.R. department for several small companies.

She brings a wealth of practical insights to help startups and small businesses successfully hire their first employees and arm the company for future growth.