
Crowdfunding with Steve Dinehart & MoolaPitch

Steve Dinehart says that creating & operating MoolaPitch has almost caused him to lose faith in humanity.  He recently joined The Savvy Entrepreneur Radio Show to explain what he means.  He talks about the common mistakes businesses make when they put their offering out on a crowdfunding site.

He also shares his recommendations for how to raise money successfully.  He also talks about when crowdfunding is a good tool, and when it might not be.

It's a very interesting listen from someone who manages a crowdfunding platform, and might save some of you entrepreneurs out there a boatload of time, money and disappointment.

Click on the arrow to the left to hear the interview with Steve.

Entrepreneur Stories: ATSPIN consulting

Listen in as Angela Spinazze joins The Savvy Entrepreneur Radio Show.  She shares how she built ATSPIN consulting, and how she has successfully pivoted with her offerings multiple times as the needs of her clients changed.

Angela founded ATSPIN consulting in 1997.  She helps museums, art galleries, and other cultural organizations facilitate conversations about key initiatives. Angela's candor about the challenges she's faced makes for a great listen.  And she generously shares many wise pieces of advice for entrepreneurs.

I promise you'll enjoy her story — click on the arrow to the left to listen!

Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship UW-Madison with Dan Olszewski

Dan Olszewski, Director of the Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, joins The Savvy Entrepreneur Radio Show.  He talks about the many programs and other support at the UWM for student entrepreneurs. The center welcomes any student with an entrepreneurial mindset, and he talks about what that means at the UW.  He talks about some of the program's successful company launches.  He also shares how entrepreneurial skills today are really life skills that benefit students, even if they don't go on to start a company.

Click on the arrow to listen!

Thanks for listening, and thanks to Dan for being our guest.

Catch other episodes of The Savvy Entrepreneur by subscribing to our regular podcasts.

Entrepreneur Stories: Brindis Training & Consulting

Fred Copestake, Founder and CEO of Brindis, a small training, coaching & consulting company based in the U.K. recently joined The Savvy Entrepreneur Radio Show by phone to share the story of how he transitioned from a full-time employee to a gig contractor to his own independent company.

Brindis provides sales training, coaching and mentoring, focusing on larger, global companies with large sales forces that are seeking measurable improvement in their sales goals.

Fred candidly shares some of his challenges in building a consulting and training business.  He also talks about both successes and mistakes.  And he has plenty of great advice for other service business startups.

It's a great interview, plus his British accent is fun to listen to, and his sense of humor is wicked!  Click on the arrow to listen!

Contractors vs Employees with John Sartoris

Whether you've retained a contractor vs an employee is an important question, and one that lots of businesses get wrong.  John Sartoris, principal of The Sartoris CPA Group, recently joined The Savvy Entrepreneur Radio Show live in the studio to discuss some of the issues.

It turns out that a lot of companies think they've hired a contractor, but what they really have is an employee, which can lead to lots of issues and significant costs.  John talks about the IRS and Department of Labor tests, and how the issue often comes to light later.

He talks about the costs and repercussions if you categorize the individual incorrectly.  He also shares the IRS requirements for any contractor you hire that you pay more than $600 in any given year.

John is articulate and often humorous as he explains some of the issues, and gives lots of practical examples.

Click on the arrow to the left to take a listen!