
The Savvy Entrepreneur: Do Well Brands

Mike & Malaika Wells are a husband-wife duo who co-founded Do Well Brands, a Chicago startup. They're figuring things out as they go, not afraid to pivot where needed, and most definitely enjoying the journey along the way.

They'll keep you laughing as they finish each other's sentences and have friendly back & forths. They share how their quest for better, healthier foods & beverages led them to found and grow Do Well Brands.

Click on the arrow to take a listen! It's inspirational, full of helpful advice, and sure to make you smile!

The Savvy Entrepreneur: Lidia Varesco Design

Lidia Varesco Racoma, founder of Lidia Varesco Design, is passionate about helping non-profits and other mission-based organizations raise their brand profile through effective storytelling.

She shares with The Savvy Entrepreneur radio show the three biggest branding mistakes that most organizations make:  (1) they don't articulate their “why” effectively enough (2) they don't do enough market research to find out whether their message is truly resonating with their stakeholders and reaching those stakeholders with the right platform and the right content; and (3) they focus too much on the features and benefits of their product or service, and not enough on how they will add value to their customers.

She shares plenty of tips and suggestions that have worked for her clients over the years.  Spoiler alert:  one of those tips is to pick a message and create a campaign with regular, consistent pieces of your message, rather than just posting here and there as the spirit moves you.  Non-spoiler alert:  there's lots more of those kind of practical tips in our interview!

Click on the arrow to listen, or go here if you'd prefer to read a transcript of the show.  It's well worth your time to listen to or read!

The Savvy Entrepreneur: eCourt Reporters

Karen Renee, CEO of eCourtReporters, says that she and her business partner Judy Gerulat run their business the same way they ride their Harleys — full-speed ahead, with no reverse.

Renee joined The Savvy Entrepreneur radio show to share some of the bumps in the road, as well as some of the many successes as eCourt Reporters got started and has grown rapidly.  eCourt Reporters was founded to help lawyers more easily find available and qualified court reporters.  Finding those reporters is not always easy, something that Renee, who formerly ran her own court reporter agency, knew from personal experience.  She wanted eCourt Reporters to be essentially an “Uber” for court reporters.

She also felt that court reporters deserved a bigger piece of the pie, because agencies take up to 50% of the fees paid by lawyers.

eCourt Reporters now sources qualified court reporters in all 50 states, and is growing quickly.  The lawyer/court reporter matching platform is appealing because it is free for both court reporters (and legal videographers) and lawyers to use — eCourt Reporters only gets paid when a court reporting job is successfully completed & the court reporter is paid.

A complex matching platform like theirs, one with hundreds of users and growing, and with many different parameters that can be searched, wasn't easily built and took resources of all kinds.

Renee found as well that pitching was a challenge, although (like everything in her business), she ultimately found success.

She talks about the helpful resources she found along the way, and offers some very candid tips for entrepreneurs — especially for women entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs needing to build a tech platform, and for those pitching for funding.

Click on the arrow to listen to the show — you'll be pulled in by Renee's candid, no-nonsense style and sparkling sense of humor.  Or, go here to read a transcript.

The Savvy Entrepreneur: Hammer Legal Group

Meridth Hammer tried hard to be a good employee, but when she was laid off during the 2007 crash, she ultimately decided it was time to open her own law firm.  She set up the Hammer Legal Group in Indianoplis, and was successful for several years.

Then she got an offer she couldn't refuse at the Cook County Clerk's Office, but eventually knew she wanted to get back to running her own firm, so she started the firm back up from scratch in Chicago.  Her practice focuses on wills, trusts, probate, and real estate.

Along the way, she learned a lot — about setting up and maintaining a business, about what works and what doesn't, about real estate shenanigans, and most importantly, about herself.  She also shares stories of some of the strong women in her life that have been an inspiration to her along the way.

She candidly shares with The Savvy Entrepreneur some of the challenges along the way, with humility, humor, and absolutely a “can-do” attitude.

Click on the arrow to listen and be inspired!  Or, click here if you'd/ prefer to read a transcript of our chat.  Either way, it's well worth your time!

The Savvy Entrepreneur: The Story of Click & Carry

Kim Meckwood joins The Savvy Entrepreneur Show to share how she invented & developed the Click & Carry device and has successfully grown her business.

She came up with the idea of the Click & Carry to help carry multiple bags of groceries.   Her idea?  A simple handle device that helps shoppers manage and carry multiple bags at once comfortably, either in your hands or over your shoulder, because there's a comfy gel grip  for a hands free carry.

People use it to carry books, paint cans, walk multiple dogs, and even skis and ski boots.

It's a simple device, but there were lots of challenges designing, manufacturing, and marketing the product. Kim shares some of those, as well as how she resourcefully pushed through.

She also shares details about her appearance on Shark Tank, along with advice for people who want to be on the show.

Click on the arrow to take a listen!